Have no fear, Team Gopher is here!
According to The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America: “IF YOU ARE AN OLDER PERSON, stay home and away from other people, and IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A SERIOUS UNDERLYING HEALTH CONDITION that can put you at increased risk (for example, a condition that impairs your lung or heart function or weakens your immune system), stay home and away from other people.”
Team Gopher is comprised of people who want to help you keep the above guidelines by being available to “go for” things like groceries, medications, and prescriptions for you! (We love you, and we want you to be safe!)
To JOIN Team Gopher or to RECEIVE HELP from Team Gopher, simply contact Pastor Jeff by text or phone at 717-371-0840 or by email at jeff@ilovestjohns.org.
When a request for help is received, all Team Gopher volunteers will receive a group text, allowing a volunteer to (1) accept the request (informing other volunteers), and (2) contact the individual for details.