Know Jesus. Grow in Faith. Go Serve.


The purpose of St. John’s Church is to bring glory to God by making disciples who:

(1) Know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior,
(2) Grow in Faith to become more like Jesus, and
(3) Go Serve others near and far in Jesus’ name.


Know Jesus:
Greek word defined as know is “ginosko” (John 17:3)
To have an experiential relationship with Jesus
To know Jesus personally, not just to know about Jesus

Grow in Faith:
Grow beyond a life characterized by little faith
Grow beyond a life of worry (Matt. 6:25), fear (Matt. 8:23-26), doubt (Matt. 14:25-31), arguments (Matt. 16:5-12), and self-reliance (Matt. 17:14-21)
To become more like Jesus, reflecting his character and priorities

Go Serve:
Serve both believers and non-believers
Serve both near and far (across the pew, street, town, country, world)
In Jesus’ name (doing what Jesus would do, by his power, for his glory)
We are blessed when we serve others (John 13:17)